Taj Icecream Review
Love sancha ice-creams? Then keep reading!

I love ice cream and especially the sancha type in fresh, seasonal fruit flavors. So I visited this legendary place, and was a tad bit disappointed.

I tried the sitaphal, mango, Peru and the hot favorite – roasted almond here. The roasted almond one was good – almonds with chocolate chips taste amazing. Then I looooved the Peru one. It was like eating the fruit itself – that much intensity of flavor.
Roasted almond, Sitaphal & Mango Icecream
I also tried their mango ice cream and honestly I thought it was overrated – it didn’t feel the most authentic to me. The sitaphal one I didn’t care about at all – over thick and didn’t feel like real sitaphal either.

I’d say stick to roasted almond when you come here and if you love fruit and natural flavor then keep your search on.