Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari

Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari
Chai and jeera khari is one of my most favorite combination. It redefines comfort food! So today I thought of sharing with you my thoughts on Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari biscuits that I recently got my hands on.

Jeera Khari biscuits are available in various forms in the market. I decided to order the Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari biscuits because they seemed to claim quality. I ordered these from Reliance Fresh Direct.


Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari

The Baker Street Jeera Khari Biscuits come in this box and have all important details mentioned on all 4 sides.

The biscuits are further covered with this foil packing.

Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari

And when you cut open the foil packaging, you find the biscuits in this transparent plastic tray of sorts.

Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari

For me, this packaging doesn’t quite work. Khari biscuits are quite delicate and can easily break. So if the packaging was a bit more solid around the biscuits, may be this would stop them from breaking. And as you can see here, a lot of the biscuits were reduced to broken bits.

Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari


Wheat flour, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Cumin, Bishops Weed and Salt.

Good thing about these is that they don’t have any maida. They also claim to be 100% vegetarian.

Taste and Quality

Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari

The Baker Street Jeera Khari Biscuits are nice and crispy. Maida does add a different level of fluffiness and crunch; but these do feel equally fresh and crispy. The jeera adds a subtle cumin flavor. They don’t feel over buttery like a lot of the maida ones do. The twisted shape of the jeera khari biscuits is quite nice. But personally I find the bow ones the cutest!

Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari

Nutritional Information

Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari


Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari

Rs.50 for 150gm.


6 months from manufacture

Do I recommend the Baker Street Jeera Khari Biscuits?

Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari

Yes I do! They are quite delicious. My only problem with them is their packaging. Other than that I am quite happy with the taste. And of course they are best relished with some good adrak chai.

Baker Street Twisted Jeera Khari

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